
Thomas Curran, an influential psychologist, examines perfectionism through both a personal and cultural lens, shedding light on its impact on health, performance, and society more broadly. His groundbreaking research reveals a concerning trend of young people buckling under the pressure of perfectionistic standards. As an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics, Curran is renowned internationally for his pioneering work, being a world-leading expert in perfectionism and the first to uncover the rising prevalence of perfectionism among youth in the UK, US, and Canada.

A sought-after speaker, Curran regularly addresses global audiences, including prestigious companies like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Tapestry, and TED. He brings the complex topic of perfectionism to life with his engaging and relatable style, making it accessible to diverse audiences. With a blend of wit and humility, he advocates for recognizing perfectionism as a public health concern, captivating listeners worldwide through his TED talks, podcast appearances, and media features.

TED 2019: Our Dangerous Obsession With Perfection Is Getting Worse.

Social psychologist Thomas Curran explores how the pressure to be perfect -- in our social media feeds, in school, at work -- is driving a rise in mental illness, especially among young people. Learn more about the causes of this phenomenon and how we can create a culture that celebrates the joys of imperfection.


  • In this session, Thomas Curran explores the science of perfectionism. Although an often-glamorized trait, research shows that it can in fact lead to mental health difficulties, reduced accomplishment, and burnout. He explains how perfectionism is not about pursuing excellence but about compensating for feeling of not being enough, which result in worry, anxiety, and procrastination due to paralysing fears of failure. All of which hinder innovation and productivity as people recoil from making mistakes, and experience strained relationships from the fear of receiving critical feedback.

  • In this session, Thomas Curran explores how the struggle to delegate tasks stems from a belief that no one else can execute them perfectly, leading to increased workload and stress. He will describe how embracing delegation and trusting subordinates fosters teamwork and allows for diverse perspectives and skill sets to flourish.

  • In this session, Thomas Curran described how the fear of failure stifles innovation, as individuals hesitate to take risks or pursue unconventional ideas. With a set of scientifically validated strategies, he shows how innovation thrives in environments where experimentation and learning from mistakes are encouraged.

  • In this talk, Thomas Curran explores how the pursuit of perfection leads to burnout among individuals striving to meet unattainable goals. Using illuminating case studies and cutting-edge research, he shows how this relentless pursuit can result in procrastination and physical and emotional exhaustion, negatively impacting overall well-being and productivity.

  • In this talk, Thomas Curran describes how shame, guilt, and the fear of failure can paralyze individuals from making progress, leading to procrastination as way of managing anxiety and avoiding challenging tasks that may result in the public display of one’s shortcomings. He will show how perfectionism’s relationship with procrastination unfolds and how it exacerbates anxiety and stunts growth.

  • In this talk, Thomas Curran will explore how overanalyzing tasks can lead to indecision and paralysis, making it difficult to meet deadlines effectively. He’ll explain that while attention to detail is important, excessive analysis can impede progress and result in missed opportunities. Using evidence-based strategies, he outlines how learning to trust one's instincts and establishing clear priorities can help individuals navigate tasks more efficiently and meet deadlines with confidence.

CTV: The Social.

Author Thomas Curran shares his take on the learned behaviours of perfectionists in ‘The Perfection Trap’.

SSALA: How Increasing Perfectionism Is Harming Our Children And What We Can Do About It.

An Assistant Professor in Psychological and Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics, Dr. Thomas Curran studies how the rising tide of perfectionism - in our parenting, social media feeds, schools, universities, and workplaces - is driving an increase in mental health conditions among young people. In doing so, he tries to answer the questions: Why is this happening? And what can we do about it?

WorkLife With Adam Grant: Breaking Up With Perfectionism.

Perfectionism is on the rise–and not just in job interviews when people claim it’s their greatest weakness. But the desire to be flawless is not always productive—or healthy. As a recovering perfectionist, Adam dives into how he managed to abandon the quest for 10s while holding onto his drive for excellence.

Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal: Why Perfectionism Is Your Enemy.

Most of us know perfectionism as the relentless pursuit of flawlessness, our fatal flaw of having a constant need to meet impossibly high standards. It's a trait that many of us strive for, believing that it will lead to success and happiness. But what if I told you that this concept of perfectionism as we know it isn’t the full picture? And the badge of honour we think perfectionists wear is one big misconception.

Finding Mastery: How to BREAK FREE from Perfectionism.

Have you ever felt the overwhelming pressure to be perfect in an imperfect world? To excel in every aspect of life in a society that is constantly demanding more?

Welcome to the club.

Thomas Curran has dedicated his career to understanding the complex and often elusive personality trait of perfectionism. A professor of psychology at the London School of Economics, Thomas’s research delves deep into the roots of perfectionism – exploring how it develops and its profound impact on mental health.

  • In this talk, Thomas Curran will describe how self-criticism erodes morale and diminishes self-confidence. With illuminating case studies and cutting-edge research, he will show how perfectionism leads to the habituation of negative self-beliefs, which contaminates motivation and hinders personal growth. He will introduce the latest work on cultivating self-compassion and practicing gratitude, which can help people combat self-criticism, fostering a kinder outlook on work (and life) and enhancing overall well-being.

  • In this talk, Thomas Curran will show how impostersim (vis-a-vis imposter syndrome) manifests as a persistent feeling of inadequacy despite evidence of success, causing individuals to constantly doubt their achievements and abilities. He will explain perfectionism’s close relationship with imposterism and how the two consire to undermine confidence and professional advancement. Overcoming imposter syndrome involves acknowledging one's accomplishments, seeking support from others, and reframing negative self-perceptions to embrace personal achievements with confidence. Using scientifically validated strategies, he will outline how to put these changes into practice.

Speeches, Lectures and Media.